4 months is a long time to not post. Winter is a fairly inactive time for me, I'm very much looking forward to more sun and warmth.
I did several mini gouache paintings of birds as last minute x-mas gifts for people. I need to do some more, I didn't get to gift everyone I meant to. I also forgot to scan four of them before I gave them away, oops. This is a Sandhill Crane.
American Kestrel and Peregrine Falcon
Greg and I started making feather and bead earrings, we'll have an Etsy account up soonish under the name Bird Droppings Crafts. These feathers are from the rear end region of a Scarlet Macaw. They are 100% poop free and worthy of being next to your face.
Greg models some Emu feather earrings. Also a good pic of his tat. I tattooed everything there except the hawk. Gotta give it a little touch up soon.
The Winter Solstice Rabbit Harvest. Mike (in the back) looks a little disturbed. Killing ain't pretty, but we did our best to do it respectfully.
BBQ rabbit, so delicious.
They get along.