Monday, March 15, 2010

Art from January till three days ago

Anatomy study for the Demon Anaphylaxis. Figuring about the skull design was rather difficult. Ink and graphite.

Realized I don't really work on backgrounds enough, so I made myself do some ink wash illustrations. Proved to myself that I CAN do backgrounds if I really want.

Flier for my Senior Show. Prismacolor pencil, graphite, ink.

:D Manticore! I recognize that face... Ink on vellum.

Looking at a lot of Mesoamerican art for my history of art class. Tried to study, but somehow ended up drawing instead. My creation goddess Saezerim the Crone in the style of the Great Goddess of Teotihuacan.

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Also, a bunch of art from 2009

Male and female Magnificent Frigatebirds. Watercolor and graphite.

Oil on masonite.

Ball point and Prismacolor pencils.

Watercolor, ball point, Prismacolor pencils, Painter IX

Acrylic on canvas.

Acrylic on masonite.


This drawing program is so fun. No undo, lots of weird randomness that can either make your drawing hell or give it awesome liveliness. Good for warming up or just doodling.

Saturday, March 13, 2010


Still fiddling with layout and whatnot. All the cool artists are doing this Blog business these days so I figure why not? In the meantime, have some figure drawings.