Saturday, July 10, 2010


Stuff from my last quarter of college. Now it's summer and I have no job and it sucks.

Finished Frazetta tribute. India ink and water soluble graphite.

Open Studios Spring '10. Stuff from Adv. Drawing

Abstraction attempt.


Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Sneak Peak

Inks in the works. Humans are really hard for me to draw still... must practice more. Taking inspiration from the great Frank Frazetta. Sorry for the kinda shitty phone pic.

Monday, April 26, 2010

And Another

And here it is. I'm too tired to write much else except that the photo intaglio process I'm currently working on is the most frustrating thing I've ever done.

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Trial Print

Here is one of the trial prints from my first intaglio project. It's a three plate print, which is amazingly frustrating, especially when you realize your plates aren't all the same size. Still, I quite like how it turned out. I've already gone back into my key plate (the one with the linework) and added some more details. I'm also going to try playing around with colors (and paper colors), but I think I like this cold gray and the blue with the yellow. Once I figure out all that, I'll be making an edition of maybe... 20 prints? I dunno, we'll see. I'd love to give them out as gifts or possibly sell some.

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Don't worry, I didn't forget about this blog, I've just been somewhat busy. Also, the lack of a camera coupled with pieces that are too large to scan has deterred me from being able to post recent works. Soon hopefully. All I have to offer at the moment is a sketch for an intaglio print, and an image I'm using to make a photo etching for another intaglio print. I have some actual prints done, but I need to bring them home from the studio and scan them.

Monday, March 15, 2010

Art from January till three days ago

Anatomy study for the Demon Anaphylaxis. Figuring about the skull design was rather difficult. Ink and graphite.

Realized I don't really work on backgrounds enough, so I made myself do some ink wash illustrations. Proved to myself that I CAN do backgrounds if I really want.

Flier for my Senior Show. Prismacolor pencil, graphite, ink.

:D Manticore! I recognize that face... Ink on vellum.

Looking at a lot of Mesoamerican art for my history of art class. Tried to study, but somehow ended up drawing instead. My creation goddess Saezerim the Crone in the style of the Great Goddess of Teotihuacan.

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Also, a bunch of art from 2009

Male and female Magnificent Frigatebirds. Watercolor and graphite.

Oil on masonite.

Ball point and Prismacolor pencils.

Watercolor, ball point, Prismacolor pencils, Painter IX

Acrylic on canvas.

Acrylic on masonite.


This drawing program is so fun. No undo, lots of weird randomness that can either make your drawing hell or give it awesome liveliness. Good for warming up or just doodling.

Saturday, March 13, 2010


Still fiddling with layout and whatnot. All the cool artists are doing this Blog business these days so I figure why not? In the meantime, have some figure drawings.