Monday, September 19, 2011


Been working on this since Friday in a sudden kick of digital creativity. I quite like the outcome.

Work in Progress at the end of Friday night.

Work in progress most of the way through Saturday.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011


Finally done with my trade with Mazz! Went nuts with this one and had a blast. She requested a finch of some sort, and this probably wasn't what was expected. I actually had no idea Hawaiian honeycreepers were considered a type of finch but... they have been classified as a sub-family (Drepanididae) of Fringillidae. While this has only recently been reclassified, I couldn't pass up painting this guy. I have a thing for crested birdies.

watercolor, oil pastel, gouache, color pencil, graphite

Thursday, August 4, 2011

And a few more

Couldn't fit all that in one post. So many little kinda half assed doodles. I really ought to work on a big project soon.

Pushin' It

Damn, I haven't updated this in forever. Haven't been arting too much lately, what all with my mind set on going to my Kung Fu tournament in Baltimore. That went smashingly too; I ended up with three firsts, one second, one third, and one fourth. Placed in 6 out of 7 events. Not bad, not bad at all. I would now really like to get my ass in gear musically, but it's hard to be motivated for some reason. I have so many instruments at my disposal too, it's just a matter of using them.

Anyways, have some sketches and shit from the last month:

Saturday, June 18, 2011

Some Dreams

June 14, 2011
I was in an arid region of North Africa at an "amusement park." The only ride was a wicker basket with about seven eagles tied to it. The only other person I remember being there was the ride operator, a native of the region. I rode the eagle basket. Suddenly, a conflict broke out and a rival tribe was firing on us. I was handed an Uzi and dodged bullets for awhile.

I woke up briefly and fell back asleep. The sun was just starting to rise and everything in my room was lit with a very surreal golden glow.

I was now inside of a spaceship in a meeting with aliens from another dimension. The spaceship had the same sort of glow that I had just seen in my room, except it was made of a strange metal that shimmered with a multitude of colors. I was one of a few diplomats for the human race and the aliens were quite gracious hosts. They presented us with a box and told me to take the watch. I looked in the box and there were a few necklaces and two strange vessels that resembled vases. They were all amazingly beautiful. I went to pick up a necklace, because I didn't see a watch and I figured that was the next closest thing. The aliens corrected me and told me to take a vase. It was made of the same material as the spaceship and sometimes it was a watch, but mostly it was a vase. There was a sort of stopper in the top of the vase; it ended up being a fancy wine bottle stopper. It slipped out of my hand and a fat man sitting next to me caught it before it fell.

The faces of the aliens escape my memory, but as I was scrutinizing them I noticed that one of them was actually Sam, my first boyfriend. He sneered at me because it was Valentine's Day but we weren't dating anymore. He was annoyed I hadn't gotten him a gift.

June 18, 2011
(I don't remember if this was the exact order of my dreams. Everything got all jumbled)
1. I was wandering around the UCSC campus with some people, though I can't quite remember who (Greg?). The campus was all different, as if it had become overgrown and abandoned. I don't remember seeing any students. I think I was trying to purchase marijuana, but I had no cash and I didn't know if I would be able to find someone with any. I was searching for an ATM to make a withdrawal. I couldn't seem to locate one. Old bridges were broken and the trees looked older, greener. Not sure if it was the same dream, but I recall being in an area full of concrete, and rain beginning to come down.

2. Very vague and misty: I was some sort of demon queen and my father had just died (?). It was time for me to take a husband. Lakes of fire and mirror portals, I had black spikes all over my body. A human man being turned into a demon. Everything else is fuzzy.

3. Was laying in a hazy void with Maru. Rested my head on his side and told him I was having trouble dreaming. The sun is too bright through my blinds.

4. Kim (next door neighbor I grew up with, but she's down in So Cal right now) rings the doorbell and I tell my mom to answer. I am hiding behind the wall that forms our house entryway, but Kim knows I am there and makes me come outside. I forget what she said to me, but all the neighbors' sprinklers are on and their lawns are flooding. They resemble the mirror portals in my demon queen dream. I try to select them with a mouse cursor, but it only selects a few lawns. I am frustrated that my mouse won't work properly.

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Blast Off

A trade with the lovely Styx. Done with pastels, which took me forever. This was very much inspired by Mantegna's "Lamentation of Christ" painting.

I also started this ArtSlam challenge. I'm doing it on medium difficulty, which means I'm committed to make art till the end of July. I really hope I can do this. It's a lot more difficult to keep up with art now that I'm not in school. After work + kung fu I mostly just end up wanting to sit and do nothing. Time to push myself a little.

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Tuesday, May 10, 2011


Some silly doodle I started at work on a post-it note and finished at Peet's Coffee when I was chilling with a friend. Shit-eating grin. I need to finish up this short little comic I'm working on. Every time I look at it I can't help but chuckle.

Saturday, May 7, 2011


Ballpoint on a bit of scrap watercolor paper. I love doing designs like this where I just let my hand move without really thinking too much about what I'm doing. Semi-automatic mark making. I haven't drawn Fyre in a very long time. Someday I should do a cohesive writeup on all these characters in my head.

Eyes To See

Raccoon goddess as requested by The Lex. I had a lot of fun doing this; really trying to loosen up my style and go nuts with ink/watercolor. I painted a lot of this with a toothbrush. My backgrounds need a lot of work still. I'm really in to the whole Salvador Dali "objects on a vast bleak desert plain" look, but I feel far from the atmosphere he was able to achieve with it. My usual symbols popped up in this, probably because I feel pretty raccoony myself rather often.

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Heatin' up

Sorry for lack of arts, I was in Florida this last week chillin on the beach and hanging out with family. I have a few things in the works. Trying to figure out in what direction I'd like to take my art. For now, have a sketch I commissioned from Phantasmagora. It is badass.

Friday, April 22, 2011

Bird Party

Also, party time with bird. She's actually asleep right now and this was actually taken yesterday. I don't advocate giving tequila or any other alcoholic beverage to birds because their livers don't process alcohol and they'd probably die. Chippy just really likes the sound of her beak clinking on glass bottles.

The Fist

A few nights ago I was suddenly compelled to draw this and I just finished up the coloring today. I really have no idea what it means, if it's supposed to mean something. I have a lot of symbols floating around in my subconscious that like to appear in my art. I like this one, I wish I hadn't done it in my sketchbook, because I really would have liked to add some watercolor to it. Oh well. Mildly digitally edited.

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Gift Arts!

From Yagi-no-baka! This shit is tiiiiiiight. I love those hands and feets. I also love getting drawings of my characters from other people.

Friday, April 15, 2011

Stoner Witch

Doodles from today. I like lines.

Thursday, April 14, 2011


Marceline the Vampire Queen from Adventure Time. I really like that cartoon.

Monday, April 11, 2011



Saturday, April 9, 2011

And some more

Goffin's Cockatoo, Tawny Frogmouth, Burrowing Owl, Allan's Humming bird, random hawk.

Friday, April 8, 2011

Draw a Bird Day

Quick doodle of my lovebird, Chippy. She has fatpants. And a tiny head.

Thursday, April 7, 2011

At the Helm of Hell's Ship

Finally finished this thing as a trade with yagi-no-baka. Check out her(? I think it's a female) art cause it's pretty damn awesome.

India ink, watercolor, watercolor pencils, color pencils, gouache, salt, and the power of Satan.

Monday, April 4, 2011


This past week I went down to Fresno to visit Greg. Was really nice to have a week off work and to get out of town, though I didn't draw much. Got to help out at the zoo with the birds quite a bit. I'd love to have that job, even though it is pretty hard work.

Here is an older drawing that I touched up for practice. Trying to get back into using watercolors.

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Solve et Coagula

Getting myself moving on art trades for people on the internets. I'm very sloooooo))))w. Inked and started color on this today. Feels good to get the watercolors and inks out again. C15H10Cl2N2O2

Wednesday, March 23, 2011


Here is a man with more faces. MORE FACES

Monday, March 21, 2011


I have maybe 3 or 4 larger art projects in the works right now. Just started this one tonight. Lines by Greg, I'm trying to color the thing.

oh yeah, I drew this late last night and forgot to upload it:

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Blither blather

art has felt subpar today and yesterday. My hands are too cold I think.

Friday, March 18, 2011

Caracal Skull

No St. Patty's booze, but I drew a skull. :( / :)

Thursday, March 17, 2011

More birds

This is all I got for today. The scrub jay up top is from a few months ago, the black phoebe I drew late last night. I'm too tired to draw today, but I'll get some extras up tomorrow hopefully (if I'm not too whiskey'd out).

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Tiny Machine



networked with Erin in OpenCanvas. I really don't know.

Monday, March 14, 2011


Trying to figure this creature out still. I've been having pretty bad insomnia on and off for the past week or so. I can't stop thinking about wanting to draw. And then I'm super tired in the morning from tossing and turning all night.

Sunday, March 13, 2011


I ought to somehow capitalize on the drawing pictures of buds market. I'm sure it would be killer in California. Something I pooped about in an hour and a half-ish.

Saturday, March 12, 2011


Colored an old sketch today in Painter 11. Trying to get the hang of digital art. It doesn't seem to come naturally to me at all.

Friday, March 11, 2011

Old things waiting for new things

I have a few more involved works in progress, but today I took some old paintings into the backyard and photographed them. These are all from 2010, oil on either paper, wood, or canvas.

Thursday, March 10, 2011


I always draw myself ugly.